Pickleball Leagues
For: Ages 12 years and up
Session Dates: a 4-week League (90 Minutes with a 6:00 PM or 7:30 PM start time)
Location: Inside the FBA Gymnasium at 8600 N. College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (the parking lot is shared with the church)
Cost: $40 per 4-week League
Equipment: Please bring your paddle but we do have loaner paddles if needed.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Competitive Pickleball Leagues
This pickleball league is designed for "low intermediate" to "competitive" pickleball players who have attended at least a beginner pickleball clinic, either at FBA or at another venue, and are moving toward or at intermediate level play. NOTE: This is NOT an instructional clinic where someone is teaching pickleball skills. You SHOULD know how to keep score and know the basic rules and shots.
We will be implementing an open style of play where you will get the opportunity to play with different partners and against different opponents. Games are to 11 points, win by 2. Before each game, "teams" will have the choice of serving first or picking which side to play on. The winning team will stay on the court but will split sides and two players from the "bench" will join the court and choose one of the winning players as a teammate. This "open style" technique will encourage different partner match-ups.
If you are interested in the Site Manager position overseeing FBA's Pickleball leagues, clinics, "open play" or any position posted on our www.firstbaptistathletics.com website, please e-mail us at: [email protected]