Welcome to First Baptist Athletics - 2024 Fall Soccer!
The First Baptist Athletics Soccer program is designed for players of all skill levels. Our goal is to teach soccer in an environment that emphasizes fun and competition without sacrificing good sportsmanship and respect for others. All practices and games will be held on the outdoor soccer fields at First Baptist Athletics at 8600 N. College Ave, Indianapolis, IN.

Age Divisions
Soccer divisions are offered for both boys and girls ages 4 to 11 based on the participant's age as of August 1.
4-year-olds | 5-6-year-olds | 5-6-year-olds
| 7-8-year-olds | 7-8-year-olds |
| 9-11-year-olds | 9-11-year-olds |
Season Calendar
Registration Opens | May 13 |
Registration Late Fees Start | July 22 at 5am |
North Central Girls Soccer Clinic and Carwash | TBD | FBA Fields |
Coaches Meeting | TBD |
Practices Start | Weeknight Practices Start: July 29
| Soccer Fields |
Games Start | Saturday, August 10 | Soccer Fields |
Weeknight Games Start | Week of September 9 | Soccer Fields |
Final Saturday Games | September 21 | Soccer Fields |
Games Schedules
9-11 Boys
9-11 Girls
7-8 Boys
7-8 Girls
5-6 Boys
5-6 Girls
Practice and Games
All divisions will have one practice per week and a Saturday game until weeknight games begin in lieu of practices.
The cost per participant for the season is $90 for 4 year olds, $115 for 5-8 year olds & $125 for 9 year old and up. A $15 late fee will be charged for all registration orders that come in after 5:00am on July 22.
Participants should bring a water bottle and wear cleats/tennis shoes, socks, shorts (or sweatpants), and t-shirts to practices and games. FBA will provide a team jersey to each player. Each participant is required to have shin guards in order to play. These should be purchased individually--FBA does not provide shin guards.
The FBA Soccer rules can be found at: FBA Soccer Rules.